Disclaimer and Silly Questions

Disclaimer and Silly Questions

****Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of these sites or daily deal emails, do not own them, and get no compensation from talking about how awesome them are - unless someone would like to send me gifts. I like gifts. And I love these sites!****

Silly Questions

Boy, you sure eat out a lot.

That's not really a question. I actually don't eat out that much, but I'm not the world's greatest cook, and no one wants to read a blog about that time I ate half a leftover frozen waffles and a can of tuna for dinner. Plus, I do other stuff.

But isn't it cheaper to eat at home?

Maybe. Probably. But who wants to eat at home every night? I'm not saying, eat out all the time. I'm saying, "Hey, if you don't want to be a hermit, maybe using some of the deals offered by some of these sites will introduce you to new places, and let you do it for less than full price." Also, when a friend has a birthday, you can treat them to a good meal without spending quite so much.

Isn't it cheap to use coupons to buy stuff for your friends?

Maybe. Most of my friends won't get mad that I spent $20 less for the lovely, free dinner I just gave them, along with delightful conversation - especially if the meal wouldn't have happened if I had to pay full price.

Why don't you just get a gym membership?

Well, see, the easy answer is that I hate working out. The longer answer is that, if I want to eat delicious food all the time, I have to work out, but I get really bored just running on a treadmill. The exercise deals I've purchased allow me to vary my workouts, attend different locations, and try thing that I never would have otherwise had the nerve to try on my own. On top of all that, I've never once been in a position to say, "Gee, I really want to exercise but I can't because there's no Groupon," and I've spent a lot less since January than I would have if I'd actually bought a gym membership.

But you still know that you're not saving money by buying all the deals, right?

Yes. If I purchased every single deal, and I bought deals for stuff I had no intention of otherwise doing, or wouldn't enjoy, or didn't use, I wouldn't be saving money. Be smart, people.

Do you get anything for doing this?

Well, I like writing, so I get personal joy. If people click on the ads, I might get a penny or two, but it takes quite awhile to add up. If you use the links I posted to sign up for Gilt City or Groupon, I do get a referral discount. Gilt City gives 20% off, and I believe Groupon gives a few dollars in "Groupon Bucks". If it happens, I can confirm that.

Some of these aren't questions. You should call this section "Silly Questions and Comments".


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